Monday 16 May 2011

African synergy for the fight against HIV/AIDS and suffering

AFRICAN SYNERGY is a non-governmental organisation comprising First Ladies from Africa and other continents who accept to adhere to its statute, natural or legal persons of goodwill and scientists who contribute to the achievement of the goals and objectives of AFRICAN SYNERGY, including former First Ladies of Africa and from other continents, on their request.

Our authorities make tremendous efforts to come out with solutions to overcome these problems. I would like here to pay them a respectful homage. Also, I sincerely thank the medical staff which has the huge task of taking care of the patients. In the domain of the fight against AIDS, Cameroon government’s plan, through the National AIDS Control Committee during the recent years focused on information, prevention and treatment, in order to overturn the spread of the disease.
Emphasis is put on:
  • Sensitisation and educative intensive campaigns
  • Creation of HIV treatment centres
  • Reducing the cost of antiretroviral drugs
  • Better care during blood transfusion

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